Siphon Pump, Economy

Siphon Pump, Economy

Made of polyethylene, it won't corrode, or contaminate your chemistry.

Having troubles pouring chemistry out of your tanks? Of course... who hasn't?

Until now! This little siphon pump solves the problem. Made of polyethylene, it won't corrode, or contaminate your chemistry. Simply place the straight section of the pump in your tank, close the screw vent on the top of the bulb, place the exit hose in a bucket or other storage container, and pump the bulb a few times to start the siphon. When the storage container is nearly full, open the screw vent to break the siphon and the fluid stops flowing.

No more lifting heavy tanks, and hoping you don't splash chemistry all over the place!

This is particularly useful for larger 8x10, 11x14, 16x20 and 20x24 inch tanks.

It's always good lab practice to keep and label one pump for silver and one pump for fixer to avoid any chance of cross contamination. Clean with fresh water after each use.

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