Books & Manuals

The books offered here are the product of many years of practicing the craft, teaching workshops, and researching the how and why of collodion photography. They're packed with practical information about process, chemistry, trouble shooting advice, and more. While you're visiting the site, be sure to check out our blog pages for even more information about getting started and improving your knowledge of the wet plate collodion process.

"Thanks for making these great products! Always a million things of yours on my wish list, slowly chipping away at getting them all"
Margaret - Milwaukee, WI
"Love your products, btw, and great, speedy service. I'm new to collodion and finding you guys indispensable."
Deb - South Hadley, MA
" [Regarding the Collodion Handbook], I can already tell this is exactly the information, presented in a way I can understand, that will take my work to the next level." Carole - Cortez, CO
"I already have a lot of books on the subject of wet plate collodion, but the Collodion Handbook is the first I've found that has such complete information. Thanks for the great amount of effort you put into this, and to share this precious work."
Nicolas - Paris, France

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